
Sunday, 29 April 2012

URINE Pains- Bladder

Infection of the bladder may occur because of obstruction, and repeated infections encourage the formation of bladder stones.This infection may then spread to the testicles.
    A very large gland,  which is vascular can cause bleeding and sometimes these blood clots can completely block the urinary passage.A long standing obstruction may end up effecting both kidneys, causing them to swell.
      In the solution the  patient has urinary retention but does not suffer any pain - unlike the situation where he has acute urinary retention. Kidney function is effected and the patient eventually develops kidney failure unless the obstruction is relieved.
  The prostate is part of  a man's sex organs,producing fluid that contributes to the production of sperm. It's a small gland.. about thesize of awallnut and is located right in front of the rectum. The prostate surrounds the urethre, a tube that takes urine from the bladder to the penis.
  The prostate glandgrows quite a lot during puberty and then doesn't change much until about age- 40,when it slowly begins growing again and in many men. Continues to grow as they age.Approximately half of men will eventually develop one of three prostate diaseaes or many have more than one

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Involuntary WET discomfort


Incontinence can be due to obesity or smoking - because obesity contributers to bladder leakage  as the extra weigh put pressure on the bladder and uretha, while smoking weakens all tissues. Also, avoid caffeinated drinks of all kind, acidic fruits, fruit juices and spicy food - as these are bladder irritants.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Delicious Banana

The banana is one of the healthiest fruits, which is also considered a happy fruit as it contains serotonin or the substance of happiness, having an anti-stress role in the calming of nerves. It is especially helpful in anti-treatment- being very dense, it offers a quick sense of the tummy feeling full.

Bananas are fantastic sources of energy- apart from

health for better life

Health believes that life is meant to be lived to the fullest, and we want to help you get the best of your life,,,,How...? WITH POSITIVE  empowerment and encouraging stories  from reader who are striving for the some goal.
Our apporoach to better living involves staying health - in body and mind  - as that will also help us to look better and feel better. The credible health information we provide serves as references in your daily decision - making.    --- kenangakesuma

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Multivitamin Overdose

Recent test conducted by independent firm ConsumerLab on popular multivitamin tablet sold in US - Including chewable ones for kids- have found some of these had the vitamin A (retinol and beta corotane ) dosages higher than recommended.

"If you get too much vitamin A,

Friday, 20 April 2012

Another site effect

Ultimate playboy hugh heffer, 85, is going deaf and two of his blonde beauties have blamed his problemon his regular use of slidenafil citrate, which is commercially marketed as Viagra - a clim backed by researches, who belive such impotence drug have been linked to hundreds of cases of sudden hearing loss arround the world.


Brushing your teeth and tougue after every meal can help take away the funny taste in your mouth, especially during the first trimester
Other stydies have shown that periodontal disease can be associated with gestational diabetes mellitus
 (glucose intolerance during pregnancy) and preeclampsia ( high blood pressure and protein in the urine ).  Therefore, if you have periodontal disease, it is important that treat the problem before you embark on your pregnancy.


There are several factor that cause skin itchiness during a pregnancy. As your baby grows, your belly will also grow as well . The skin over your tummy will stretch and this could lead to dry and tight skin.
Avoid your skin becoming dry by contantly applying cream or moisturisers to keep it hydrated.
Some women notice that they are only itchy along their stetch marks on the abdomen and this typically worsense in the third trimester. This is a common condition in pregnancy know as pruritic urticarial papules and plagues (PPUP), which does not harm your baby and will spontaneously resolve post-delivery