
Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Why Tomato Juice Is Good For Our Health?

Tomato juice mixed with apple juice, pumpkin juice or lemon juice can also help treat obesity. The result is that it increases metabolism and ensures proper digestive system, prevents weight gain.The other health benefits of this vegetable juice are protecting blood vessels, treating hypertension and strengthen the heart.Tomatoes are definitely among the most favorite vegetables of many people, but not everyone likes tomato juice. Some believe that juicing lowers the therapeutic effects of all valuable natural elements and nutrients, but this is only a myth. Health benefits of tomato juice are various, and those who want to enjoy them only need to be sure to use 100% organic tomatoes for juicing.To make a great tomato juice it is necessary to peel tomatoes (peeling is easier after keeping tomatoes in boiling water for 10 seconds, and then cooling them down in some cold water) and remove the seeds. If you like, you can add some salt, lemon juice or some spices, like coriander, cinnamon or vanilla. Numerous tomato juice benefits are derived from rich nutritional content of this natural product.

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Tomatoes and tomato juice are rich in potassium, magnesium, iodine, iron, zinc, phosphorus, copper, fluoride, as well as vitamins C, E and A, lycopenes, organic acids and so on.medical studies proved that plenty of lycopenes, which can be found in tomato juice, can lower the risks of some types of cancer, including prostate cancer. Also, positive effects on our cardio-vascular health is one of the most important health benefits of tomato juice. Regular consumption of only 200 ml of freshly squeezed organic tomato juice is linked to decreased chances of heart disease, lower risks of clot formation and stronger blood vessels.100% natural tomato juice is very good for digestion, and it can suppress hunger very effectively becoming of a great weight management help. As potassium and vitamin C are essential elements for improved function of our immune system, this stipulates one more of the key health benefits of tomato juice.